Top 10 TED Talks on Law and the Criminal Justice System

The American Justice system is a considerably complex institution and symbol of society as a whole. Figureheads and professionals from all areas of the justice system converge to consider its many attributes and overall modern functionality.

Heather Brooke: My Battle To Expose Government Corruption

Heather Brooke expresses her passionate views on government accountability. Having already worked to uncover the epic government scandal of 2009, Brooke addresses government corruption, transparency, and a public push towards them.

Damon Horowitz: Philosophy In Prison

Damon Horowitz provides correctional system inmates a valuable educational opportunity. At San Quentin State Prison, Horowitz works with inmates achieving college degrees. Horowitz discusses the implications of such programs.

Bryan Stevenson: We Need To Talk About An Injustice

Bryan Stevenson, a human rights attorney, delves into a wide array of justice system injustices. Elements of race, incarceration rates, judicial practice, society, and the law are all brought into the discussion. This is a deeper look at the justice system and its flaws.

Alan Siegel: Let’s Simplify Legal Jargon!

Alan Siegel presents a vision of a world in which legal paperwork is more simplified and easy to understand. Siegel is a respected authority on business communications and puts forth his propositions here, in a convincing and logical presentation.

Karen Tse: How To Stop Torture

Karen Tse devotes her efforts to today’s figurative and literal tortures applied by government to citizens. Social injustices are cited as a form of judicial torture while certain captivity and interrogation techniques are cited as current correctional system torture practices.

Marc Goodman: A Vision Of Crimes In The Future

Marc Goodman is an industry expert on crime. His specific efforts to address future crime trends can be seen here. Technology, trends, statistics, and other facts about modern society are promoted as crucial areas of growing vulnerability and concern.

Jim Fallon: Exploring The Mind Of A Killer

Jim Fallon, a respected neuroscientist, explores the inner-workings of the psychopathic mind. Factors including genetics, environmental factors, and others influence the psychopathic mind. Fallon also shares an intense personal story relating to the subject.

Scott Fraser: Why Eyewitnesses Get It Wrong

Scott Fraser discusses eyewitness accountability and accuracy. Brain recollection and psychological matters often dictate witness accuracy. Fraser is an esteemed forensic psychologist specializing in witness psychology and relation to trial evidence.

Nalini Nadkarni: Life Science In Prison

Nalini Nadkarni mixes ecology, environmental awareness, and the correction system. Her partnership with the State of Washington allows her to bring environmental education and propositions to inmates and facilities. The “Queen Of Canopy Research” explores these applications across society.

Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave

Leslie Morgan Steiner provides a moving, personal experience of domestic violence and ongoing abuse. The victim advocate also explores the psychological happenings behind abuse and those who do not leave it.