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The editors at Top Criminal Justice Schools decided to research the topic of: 5 Ways Americans are Bullied by the GovernmentControlling the Internet: Thou shalt not share information at will- SOPA/PIPA allows the government to decide what is seen on the internet - aka Censorship - aka Unconstitutional (1st amendment - freedom of speech) - Aaron Swartz - "Cyber Robin Hood" and co-founder of Reddit - Reddit initiated a cyber "blackout" after the SOPA/PIPA bill passed - shut down their website and encouraged others to do the same in protest of the bill - Swartz was arrested on allegations of breaching an MIT computer network - Allegedly illegally downloaded 4.8m articles from the JSTOR archive - faced a possible 35-year prison sentence - $1m fine if convicted in trial slated for spring 2013 - "Swartz was targeted by the FBI - strip-searched and tailed by agents." - friend Roy Singham - Swartz committed suicide on Jan 11, 2013 - 6 days short of the 1 year anniversary of the online blackout Raw milk - Thou shalt not give thy neighbor a glass of milk- Michigan was the first state to require pasteurization of all dairy products sold in a public place - 1987: FDA mandated pasterization of all milk and milk products for human consumption - 17 states allow sale of raw milk ONLY on the farm where the milk is produced - 4 of the 17 restrict sales to only incidental occurrences (not on a regular basis) - 16 states allow sale in stores separate from the farm - UT requires the store to be owned by the producer - 18 states completely prohibit sale of raw milk - Reason: It is impossible to harvest sterile milk from an animal Marijuana: Thou shalt not grow or smoke this type of leafy green (but others are ok...)- Propaganda claims that marijuana causes insanity and murderous impulses - Pot has been legal for most of human history - Lawmakers may not have known the facts when making this decision - California was the first state to outlaw marijuana: 1913 - Also the first state to legalize it: 1996 - Marijuana was outlawed in 30 states by 1930 - Medical marijuana is now legal in 18 states - the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws projects that 13 more states may be legalizing pot in the next 12 months Homeland Security: Thou shalt inform thine government of all private conversations- the NSA is building a $2 billion data center to crack and store the complete contents of - private emails - cell phone calls - Google searches - Misc. personal data - Capable of storing a yottabyte of data (equal to 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 pages of text.) - Operation "Stellar Wind" - eavesdropping on US phone calls and email - All suspicious communication is automatically recorded - All further communications from that individual are then recorded - 2001: Stellar Wind recorded 320m calls per day - 2006, NSA tapping gear found in AT&T San Francisco station - "there are 10-20 around the country" - 2007, NSA gained warrantless access to 2.8+ trillion of AT&T's detailed billing records. TSA: Thou may be personally violated during travel...for your safety.- Nude body scanners were set to be added to every US airport in the next two years - The device, developed by Genia Photonics, scans on the molecular level - detects every molecule on a person from 164 feet away - Displays a realistic image of the person's body - In 2013 TSA said it would remove it's "Nude" body scanners because the developers failed to make passenger images less revealing - TSA bullies a pregnant woman - One worried mother requested a pat down because of concerns about the scanner - She ended up in a glass cage - Another pregnant woman requested a scan because she did not want to be touched - They accused her of having traces of explosives on her hands - She was forced into a back room for a pat down - She was allowed to board her plane after her entire body was groped - All her information was written down without explanation Armed Drones: Thine own government may target and kill you- Polls show 83% of Americans approved of Obama's drone strikes overseas - Approval falls to 65% if the suspects are American citizens - NBC's Michael Isikoff revealed confidential "white paper" - Lays out criteria for drone killing American citizens - These citizens are suspected "operational leaders" of al-Qaida - Criteria does not include intelligence indicating involvement in plans of attack on the US - The gov't justifies attacks if the person poses an "imminent threat" - There is not published definition of how "imminent" it has to be - According to the "white paper": - A gov't official may determine that targeted American has been "recently" involved in threatening "activities" - It does not define "recently" or "activities" Sources- - - - - - - - |