What Types of Jobs Are Available With The DEA With A Criminal Justice Degree?

https://www.dea.govLooking at the jobs available with DEA with criminal justice degree before you graduate is a smart move. The Drug Enforcement Agency is responsible for keeping an eye on the movement of drugs across the country and keeping those drugs from crossing national and international borders. They follow the rules used by specific cities and states and federal laws to protect American citizens. Your background in criminal justice qualifies you to work in several positions within the DEA.

Special Agents

When most people think of the DEA, they think of the special agents working in the field. The jobs available with DEA with criminal justice degree include special agents. There are more than 5,000 agents currently working to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs in the country and reducing the availability of prescription drugs. Special agents need to pass a number of tests before they can work in the field, including a drug test and a psychological test. Agents must also pass a physical and medical exam that ensures they’re fit enough to handle the duties of the job. The DEA also asks that agents pass a polygraph test. You can meet with a DEA recruiter to learn more.

Diversion Investigator

Diversion investigators are the men and women responsible for looking at different types of trafficking and the organizations and individuals pushing drugs across the country. They find data from government agencies and organizations to find trade and sale paths and examine the people using those drugs. Investigators use their data to create new methods of stopping the sale and use of drugs in the United States. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, investigators must be American citizens capable of moving to a different part of the country, have a valid U.S. drivers license and pass hearing and vision tests.

Administrative Jobs

Though most people think that they need to use their criminal justice degrees to work in law enforcement, not everyone likes the idea of working in a field, dealing with criminals and carrying a gun. Instead of working in the field, consider using your degree to apply for administrative jobs. Administrative workers work in field offices and other locations to keep those in the field safe. They investigate claims, talk with witnesses to crimes and keep the local office running smoothly.

Jobs for Recent Graduates

The jobs available with DEA with criminal justice degree include jobs for recent graduates and entry-level positions. Accepting one of these positions lets you gain more experience, which can help you move up through the ranks later in your career. After applying for the job, you must pass a background check. Something as simple as a speeding ticket or an arrest at a concert can eliminate you from contention. All applicants must also agree to take an in-depth drug test that can identify substances used months in the past. If you fail the test even once, you may lose the ability to ever apply for another job with the DEA.

Related Resource: Private Investigation Job

The DEA investigates the use and abuse of illegal drugs and prescription drugs in the country. Agents find sellers and bring down major trafficking rings. Special agents, administrative jobs and diversion investigators are just a few of the jobs available with DEA with criminal justice degree, but you must pass a drug test, background check and other tests as required.